CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) 55

07. Networking - Ingress Networking (1)

07. Networking 01. Explore Environment 02. CNI weave 03. Deploy Network Solution 04. Networking Weave 05. Service Networking 06. CoreDNS in Kubernetes 07. CKA – Ingress Networking – 1 Ingress Networking (1) 08. CKA – Ingress Networking – 2 Ingress Networking (2) 01. We have deployed Ingress Controller, resources and applications. Explore the setuIngress Controller, 리소스 및 애플리케이션을 배포했습니다. 설정을 탐색합니..

07. Networking - CoreDNS in Kubernetes

07. Networking 01. Explore Environment 02. CNI weave 03. Deploy Network Solution 04. Networking Weave 05. Service Networking 06. CoreDNS in Kubernetes 07. CKA – Ingress Networking – 1 08. CKA – Ingress Networking – 2 01. ask : coreDNS root@controlplane:~# k describe deployment.apps/coredns -n kube-system Name: coredns Namespace: kube-system CreationTimestamp: Thu, 03 Feb 2022 01:55:46 +0000 Labe..

07. Networking - Service Networking

07. Networking 01. Explore Environment 02. CNI weave 03. Deploy Network Solution 04. Networking Weave 05. Service Networking 06. CoreDNS in Kubernetes 07. CKA – Ingress Networking – 1 08. CKA – Ingress Networking – 2 01. What network range are the nodes in the cluster part of? node01 은 eth0 에 배정된다고함. ask : ip addr root@controlplane:~# ip addr show eth0 20860: eth0@if20861: mtu 1450 q..

07. Networking - Networking Weave

07. Networking 01. Explore Environment 02. CNI weave 03. Deploy Network Solution 04. Networking Weave 05. Service Networking 06. CoreDNS in Kubernetes 07. CKA – Ingress Networking – 1 08. CKA – Ingress Networking – 2 01. How many Nodes are part of this cluster? Including master and worker nodes ask : 2 root@controlplane:~# k get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION controlplane Ready control-plane..

07. Networking - Deploy Network Solution

07. Networking 01. Explore Environment 02. CNI weave 03. Deploy Network Solution 04. Networking Weave 05. Service Networking 06. CoreDNS in Kubernetes 07. CKA – Ingress Networking – 1 08. CKA – Ingress Networking – 2 01. In this practice test we will install weave-net POD networking solution to the cluster. Let us first inspect the setup. We have deployed an application called app in the default..

08. Networking - Explore Environment

LABS – CERTIFIED KUBERNETES ADMINISTRATOR WITH PRACTICE TESTS > NETWORKING 08. Networking 01. Explore Environment 02. CNI weave 03. Deploy Network Solution 04. Networking Weave 05. Service Networking 06. CoreDNS in Kubernetes 07. CKA – Ingress Networking – 1 08. CKA – Ingress Networking – 2 01. How many nodes are part of this cluster? Including the master and worker nodes. ask : 2 root@controlpl..

06.Security - Security Contexts

06.Security 1) View Certificate Details 2) Certificates API 3) KubeConfig 4) Role Based Access Controls 5) Cluster Roles 6) Service Accounts 7) Image Security 8) Security Contexts 9) Network Policies 01. What is the user used to execute the sleep process within the ubuntu-sleeper pod? ubuntu-sleeper 포드 내에서 절전 프로세스를 실행하는 데 사용되는 사용자는 무엇입니까? In the current(default) namespace. 1) root 2) user1 3) us..