CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) 55

02.Scheduling - Labels and Selectors

LABS – CERTIFIED KUBERNETES ADMINISTRATOR WITH PRACTICE TESTS > SCHEDULING Scheduling Practice Test Manual Scheduling Practice Test Labels and Selectors Practice Test – Taints and Tolerations Practice Test – Node Affinity Practice Test Resource Limits Practice Test DaemonSets Practice Test – Static PODs Practice Test Multiple Schedulers 01. We have deployed a number of PODs. They are labelled wi..

02 Scheduling - Manual Scheduling

LABS – CERTIFIED KUBERNETES ADMINISTRATOR WITH PRACTICE TESTS > SCHEDULING Scheduling Practice Test Manual Scheduling Practice Test Labels and Selectors Practice Test – Taints and Tolerations Practice Test – Node Affinity Practice Test Resource Limits Practice Test DaemonSets Practice Test – Static PODs Practice Test Multiple Schedulers 01. A pod definition file nginx.yaml is given. Create a pod..

01.CoreConcepts - Imperative Commands

Core Concepts Practice Test Introduction (06:08) Practice Test – PODs Practice Test – ReplicaSets Practice Tests – Deployments Practice Test Namespaces Practice Test Services Practice Test – Imperative Commands 01. In this lab, you will get hands-on practice with creating Kubernetes objects imperatively. All the questions in this lab can be done imperatively. However, for some questions, you may..