CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator)/Kode Kloud 49

10.Troubleshooting - Application Failure

LABS – CERTIFIED KUBERNETES ADMINISTRATOR WITH PRACTICE TESTS > TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting 01. Application Failure 02. Control Plane Failure 03. Worker Node Failure 04. Troubleshoot Network Troubleshooting Test 1: A simple 2 tier application is deployed in the alpha namespace. 간단한 2계층 애플리케이션이 알파 네임스페이스에 배포됩니다. It must display a green web page on success. 성공 시 녹색 웹 페이지를 표시해야 합니다. Click on th..

06.Security - Role Based Access Controls

Security 1) View Certificate Details 2) Certificates API 3) KubeConfig 4) Role Based Access Controls 5) Cluster Roles 6) Service Accounts 7) Image Security 8) Security Contexts 9) Network Policies 01. Inspect the environment and identify the authorization modes configured on the cluster. Check the kube-apiserver settings. Use the command kubectl describe pod kube-apiserver-controlplane -n kube-s..

07.Storage - Persistent Volume Claims

LABS – CERTIFIED KUBERNETES ADMINISTRATOR WITH PRACTICE TESTS > STORAGE Storage 01. Persistent Volume Claims 02. Storage Class # kubectl cheat sheet alias k=kubectl complete -F __start_kubectl k 01. info We have deployed a POD. Inspect the POD and wait for it to start running. In the current(default) namespace. 02. The application stores logs at location /log/app.log. View the logs. You can exec..

06.Security - View Certificate Details

Security 1) View Certificate Details 2) Certificates API 3) KubeConfig 4) Role Based Access Controls 5) Cluster Roles 6) Service Accounts 7) Image Security 8) Security Contexts 9) Network Policies 01. Identify the certificate file used for the kube-api server ask : /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt - --tls-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt root@controlplane:~# cat /etc/kubernetes/manif..

05.Cluster Maintenance - Backup and Restore Methods

Cluster Maintenance 1) OS Upgrades 2) Cluster Upgrade Process 3) Backup and Restore Methods 01. We have a working kubernetes cluster with a set of applications running. Let us first explore the setup. How many deployments exist in the cluster? ask : 2 root@controlplane:~# kubectl get deployments NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE blue 3/3 3 3 105s red 2/2 2 2 105s 02. What is the version of ETC..

05.Cluster Maintenance - Cluster Upgrade Process

Cluster Maintenance 1) OS Upgrades 2) Cluster Upgrade Process 3) Backup and Restore Methods 01. This lab tests your skills on upgrading a kubernetes cluster. We have a production cluster with applications running on it. Let us explore the setup first. What is the current version of the cluster? ask : v1.19.0 root@controlplane:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION controlplane Ready ..

05.Cluster Maintenance - OS Upgrades

Cluster Maintenance 1) OS Upgrades 2) Cluster Upgrade Process 3) Backup and Restore Methods 01. Let us explore the environment first. How many nodes do you see in the cluster? Including the controlplane and worker nodes. ask : 2 root@controlplane:~# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION controlplane Ready control-plane,master 16m v1.20.0 node01 Ready 16m v1.20.0 02. How many applicatio..